torsdag den 11. november 2010

Eat. Pray. Love.

At the Movies:

Eat. Pray. Love.

Genre: Erotic Drama


Liz Gilbert: Jessalyn Gilsig

Stephen: Andy Samberg

Delia Shiraz: Lauryn Hill

Old Man India: Robert Downey Jr.


From what I could gather after watching the very colourful trailer, this is a movie about a woman who sneers at her boyfriend, because her face has mutated to look exactly like his. She then goes to a monastery for nuns where she eats their magic ice-cream that makes her jeans too small wthout making her any larger.
She then rides her bike from the US to India to Bali where she starts whoring around with any man she comes across, both Hollywood celebrities and crazy-old men (Robert D. Jr. is once again divine in showing his chameleon talents).

The moral of the story is that if you hate your boyfriend you should take a vacation, get some strange and watch out for bewitched ice-cream.


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